The full python workflow for semasiological token-level clouds

This notebook walks you through all the steps, from setting up the code based on your corpus to getting token-level distance matrices. They can be based on individual lemmas (like here) or on groups of related lemmas (like here).

0. Initial setup

The first step is to load some packages, including both nephosem and semasioFlow. Then we export functions directly from semasioFlow (although ConfigLoader is extracted from nephosem).

import os
import sys
import logging
sys.path.append("../../nephosem/") # my path to nephosem
sys.path.append("../semasioFlow/") # my path to semasioFlow
from semasioFlow import ConfigLoader
from semasioFlow.load import loadVocab, loadMacro, loadColloc, loadFocRegisters
from semasioFlow.sample import sampleTypes
from semasioFlow.focmodels import createBow, createRel, createPath
from semasioFlow.socmodels import targetPPMI, weightTokens, createSoc
from semasioFlow.utils import plotPatterns

1. Configuration

Depending on what you need, you will have to set up some useful paths settings. I like to have at least the path to my project (mydir), an output path within (mydir + "output") and a GitHub path for the datasets that I will use in the visualization. There is no real reason not to have everything together, except that I did not think of it at the moment. (Actually, there is: the GitHub stuff will be public and huge data would not be included. How much do we want to have public?)

mydir = "./"
output_path = f"{mydir}/output/create-clouds/"
nephovis_path = f"{mydir}/for-nephovis/"
logging.basicConfig(filename = f'{mydir}/testlog.log', level = logging.DEBUG)
necessary_subfolders = ['vocab', 'cws', 'registers', 'tokens']
for sf in necessary_subfolders:
    if not os.path.exists(output_path + sf):
        os.makedirs(output_path + sf)

The variables with paths is just meant to make it easier to manipulate filenames. The most important concrete step is to adapt the configuration file.

conf = ConfigLoader()
settings = conf.update_config('config.ini')
settings['output-path'] = output_path

corpus_name = 'Toy'
print(settings['type'], settings['colloc'], settings['token'])
lemma/pos lemma/pos lemma/pos/fid/lid

2. Frequency lists

The frequency lists are the first thing to create, but once you have them, you just load them. So what we are going to do here is define the filename where we would store the frequency list (in this case, where it is actually stored), and if it exists it loads it; if it doesn’t, it creates and store it. After generating a full frequency list, we might want to filter it and store different versions in the vocab folder.

full_name = f"{output_path}/vocab/{corpus_name}.nodefreq"
full = loadVocab(full_name, settings)
[('the/D', 53),('boy/N', 25),('eat/V', 22) ... ('ten/C', 1),('ask/V', 1),('about/I', 1)]

3. Boolean token-level matrices

Even though we first think of the type leven and only afterwards of the token level, with this workflow we don’t really need to touch type level until after we obtain the boolean token-level matrices, that is, until we need to use PPMI values to select or weight the context words.

As a first step, we need the type or list of types we want to run; for example "heet/adj" or ["vernietig/verb", "verniel/verb"], and we subset the vocabulary for that query.

query = full.subvocab(["girl/N", "boy/N"])
type_name = "child"
[('girl/N', 21),('boy/N', 25)]

We could generate the tokens for all tokens (which in a real sample could be in the thousands), or create a random selection with a certain number and then only use those files. The output of semasioFlow.sampleTypes() includes a list of token IDs as well as the list of filenames that suffices to extract those tokens. We can then use the new list of filenames when we collect tokens, and the list of tokens to subset the resulting matrices. In addition, the optional argument concordance can take a filename to which a raw concordance based on the current settings can be stored (see this tutorial).

Of course, to keep the sample fixed it would be more useful to generate the list, store it and then retrieve it in future runs.

NOTE: By default, semasioFlow.sampleTypes() will only sample one token of each type per file. To override this, add oneperfile = False.

import json
import os.path

fnames = [settings['corpus-path'] + '/' + x for x in os.listdir(settings['corpus-path'])]
tokenlist_fname = f"{mydir}/filelist.json"
if os.path.exists(tokenlist_fname):
    with open(tokenlist_fname, "r") as f:
        tokenlist, fnameSample = json.load(f).values()
    tokenlist, fnameSample = sampleTypes({'girl/N' : 20, 'boy/N' : 20}, fnames, settings, oneperfile = False)
    with open(tokenlist_fname, "w") as f:
        json.dump({"tokenlist" : tokenlist, "fnames" : fnameSample}, f)

3.1 Bag-of-words

The code to generate one matrix is very straightforward, but what if we want to use different combinations of parameter settings to create multiple matrices?

The code below assumes that the boolean BOW matrices may vary across three parameters:

  • foc_win: window size, which is set with numbers for let and right window. This has the settings above for default

  • foc_pos: part-of-speech filter, which will actually be set as a previously filtered list of context words. By default, all context words are included.

  • bound: the match for sentence boundaries and whether the models respond to them or not. By default, sentence boundaries are ignored.

nounverbs = [x for x in full.get_item_list() if x.rsplit("/", 1)[1] in ["N", "V"]]
foc_win = [(3, 3), (5, 5), (5, 3)] # optional window sizes
foc_pos = {
    "all" : full[full.freq > 2].get_item_list(), # only frequency filter
    "nounverbs" : nounverbs # only nouns and verbs
bound = { "match" : "^</s>$", "values" : [True, False]}

The function below combines a number of necessary functions:

  • it creates a loop over the different combinations of parameter settings specified

  • it collects the tokens and computes and filters the corresponding matrices

  • it transforms the matrices in “boolean” integer matrices, with only 0’s and 1’s

  • it stores the matrices in their respective files

  • it records the combinations of parameter settings and which values are taken by each model

  • it records the context words captured by each model for each token

  • it returns both records to be stored wherever you want

bowdata = createBow(query, settings, type_name = type_name, fnames = fnameSample, tokenlist = tokenlist,
        foc_win = foc_win, foc_pos = foc_pos, bound = bound)
bowdata.to_csv(f"{output_path}/registers/{type_name}.bow-models.tsv", sep = "\t", index_label = "_model")
  0%|          | 0/6 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Scanning tokens of queries in corpus...
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
 17%|█▋        | 1/6 [00:00<00:01,  3.35it/s]
Stored in file:
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Scanning tokens of queries in corpus...
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
 33%|███▎      | 2/6 [00:00<00:01,  3.44it/s]
Stored in file:
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Scanning tokens of queries in corpus...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
 50%|█████     | 3/6 [00:00<00:00,  3.49it/s]
Stored in file:
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Scanning tokens of queries in corpus...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
 67%|██████▋   | 4/6 [00:01<00:00,  3.46it/s]
Stored in file:
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Scanning tokens of queries in corpus...
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
 83%|████████▎ | 5/6 [00:01<00:00,  3.45it/s]
Stored in file:
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Scanning tokens of queries in corpus...
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
WARNING: 1 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
100%|██████████| 6/6 [00:01<00:00,  3.49it/s]
Stored in file:

bound foc_base foc_pos foc_win
child.bound3-3all True BOW all 3-3
child.bound3-3nounverbs True BOW nounverbs 3-3
child.bound5-3all True BOW all 5-3
child.bound5-3nounverbs True BOW nounverbs 5-3
child.bound5-5all True BOW all 5-5
child.bound5-5nounverbs True BOW nounverbs 5-5
child.nobound3-3all False BOW all 3-3
child.nobound3-3nounverbs False BOW nounverbs 3-3
child.nobound5-3all False BOW all 5-3
child.nobound5-3nounverbs False BOW nounverbs 5-3
child.nobound5-5all False BOW all 5-5
child.nobound5-5nounverbs False BOW nounverbs 5-5

3.2 Lemmarel

For dependency models we need specific templates and and patterns — especially for LEMMAREL, they need to be tailored to the part-of-speech that you are looking into. Since I’m exemplifying with a verb, I will use those templates.

IMPORTANT In order to identify different sentences, dependency models require the ‘separator-line-machine’ value.

graphml_name = "LEMMAREL"
templates_dir = f"{mydir}/templates"
rel_macros = [
    ("LEMMAREL", loadMacro(templates_dir, graphml_name, "LEMMAREL")) # list of templates -we only have one
settings['separator-line-machine'] = "^</s>$"
reldata = createRel(query, settings, rel_macros, type_name = type_name,
              fnames = fnameSample, tokenlist = tokenlist, foc_filter = full.get_item_list())
reldata.to_csv(f"{output_path}/registers/{type_name}.rel-models.tsv", sep = "\t", index_label = "_model")
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Building dependency features...

Building matrix...
WARNING: 8 rows have not been found.
WARNING: 45 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
LEMMAREL foc_base

3.3 Lemmapath

Like LEMMAREL, the LEMMAPATH models need ‘separator-line-machine’ to be properly set and the templates to be loaded. Unlike LEMMAREL, the templates are not cumulative: LEMMAPATH1 models only cover those with one step between target and context word, while LEMMAPATH2 covers those with two steps. We could make them cumulative, but this setup allows us to give them different weights in PATHweight models.

graphml_name = "LEMMAPATH"
templates_dir = f"{mydir}/templates"
# If there were multiple LEMMAPATH templates with increasing path length:
# path_templates = [loadMacro(templates_dir, graphml_name, f"LEMMAPATH{i}") for i in [1, 2, 3]]
# path_macros = [
#     # First group includes templates with one and two steps, no weight
#     ("LEMMAPATH2", [path_templates[0], path_templates[1]], None),
#     # Second group includes templates with up to three steps, no weight
#     ("LEMMAPATH3", [path_templates[0], path_templates[1], path_templates[2]], None),
#     # Third group includes templates with up to three steps, with weight
#     ("LEMMAPATHweight", [path_templates[0], path_templates[1], path_templates[2]], [1, 0.6, 0.3])
# ]
path_templates = [loadMacro(templates_dir, graphml_name, "LEMMAPATH")]
path_macros = [("LEMMAPATH", path_templates, None)]
settings['separator-line-machine'] = "^</s>$"
pathdata = createPath(query, settings, path_macros, type_name = type_name,
          fnames = fnameSample, tokenlist = tokenlist, foc_filter = full.get_item_list())
pathdata.to_csv(f"{output_path}/registers/{type_name}.path-models.tsv", sep = "\t", index_label = "_model")
WARNING: Not provide the temporary path!
WARNING: Use the default tmp directory: '~/tmp'!
Building dependency features...

Building matrix...
WARNING: 31 columns have not been found.

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
LEMMAPATH foc_base

4 Weight or booleanize

Once we have our boolean token-by-feature matrices, we can start combining them with type-level matrices: first to weight them and then to obtain second-order features. These functions will require us to specify the directory where we store our token matrices (in case we want different directories).

4.1. Create/load collocation matrix

First of all, we need to have a collocation matrix. The following function checks if the given filename exists and, if it doesn’t, it creates the matrix from scratch.

freq_fname_CW4 = f"{output_path}/{corpus_name}.bow.wcmx.pac" # window size of 4
#settings['left-span'] = 4
#settings['right-span = 4']
freqMTX_CW4 = loadColloc(freq_fname_CW4, settings, row_vocab = full)
[55, 55]  's/P  ,/,  a/D  about/I  about/R  all/P  an/D  ...
's/P      NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN    NaN   ...
,/,       NaN   1    2    NaN      NaN      NaN    NaN   ...
a/D       NaN   3    NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN    NaN   ...
about/I   NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN    NaN   ...
about/R   NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN    NaN   ...
all/P     NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN    NaN   ...
an/D      NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN      NaN      NaN    NaN   ...
...       ...   ...  ...  ...      ...      ...    ...   ...

4.2 Register PPMI values

The function below subsets collocation matrices and calculates PMI values based on collocation matrices and frequencies based on vocabularies, to register the information in a dataframe. It returns a specific PPMI dataframe to use for weighting.

ppmi = targetPPMI(query.get_item_list(),
           vocabs = {"freq" : full},
          collocs = {"4" : freqMTX_CW4
#                      , "10" : freqMTX_CW10 # it's possible to add info from other matrices
          type_name = type_name, output_dir = f"{nephovis_path}/{type_name}/",
          main_matrix = "4" # matrix to base return matrix on
ppmi # it returns the PPMI values based on collocs["4"]

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01507 sec

[2, 48]  's/P       ,/,         a/D         about/I     about/R     all/P      an/D       ...
boy/N    NaN        NaN         NaN         NaN         NaN         0.8252069  0.6428853  ...
girl/N   1.0567893  0.09170843  0.46900266  0.83364576  0.83364576  NaN        NaN        ...
import pandas as pd
with open(f"{nephovis_path}/{type_name}/{type_name}.ppmi.tsv", "r") as f:
    pmidf = pd.read_csv(f, sep = "\t", index_col = "cw")
pmi_4_boy/N pmi_4_girl/N raw_4_boy/N raw_4_girl/N freq
's/P NaN 1.056789 NaN 1.0 1
,/, NaN 0.091708 NaN 2.0 3
a/D -0.455727 0.469003 2.0 5.0 6
about/I NaN 0.833646 NaN 1.0 1
about/R NaN 0.833646 NaN 1.0 1
all/P 0.825207 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
an/D 0.642885 NaN 2.0 NaN 3
and/C 0.237420 -0.159606 3.0 2.0 5
apple/N -0.621712 -0.207808 4.0 6.0 21
as/I NaN 0.833646 NaN 1.0 1
ask/V 0.488735 0.497174 1.0 1.0 1
at/I 0.355203 0.363642 5.0 5.0 6
baby/N 0.036750 0.045188 1.0 1.0 2
be/V 0.201053 -0.889121 6.0 2.0 11
both/D 0.825207 0.833646 1.0 1.0 1
boy/N NaN -0.360277 NaN 8.0 25
by/I 0.419742 -0.264967 2.0 1.0 3
do/V NaN 1.056789 NaN 1.0 1
down/R NaN 1.344471 NaN 1.0 1
eat/V -0.095518 0.200603 9.0 12.0 22
for/I 1.048350 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
girl/N -0.239504 NaN 8.0 NaN 21
give/V 0.517722 0.303018 5.0 4.0 6
have/V 0.237420 NaN 1.0 NaN 2
healthy/J -0.273405 0.022716 3.0 4.0 10
her/P 1.336033 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
him/P NaN 1.344471 NaN 1.0 1
house/N 1.336033 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
in/I 0.825207 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
less/R NaN 0.833646 NaN 1.0 1
like/V 0.642885 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
look/V 0.509354 0.363642 7.0 6.0 8
love/V 1.336033 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
not/R 0.355203 0.363642 1.0 1.0 2
old/J 0.442215 0.045188 3.0 2.0 4
on/I NaN 0.833646 NaN 1.0 1
say/V 0.488735 0.497174 1.0 1.0 1
she/P 0.355203 0.363642 1.0 1.0 2
should/M 0.036750 0.045188 1.0 1.0 2
sit/V -0.050262 0.651324 1.0 2.0 3
tasty/J -0.455727 -0.447288 1.0 1.0 5
ten/C 0.825207 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
ten/J NaN 1.056789 NaN 1.0 1
that/I 0.355203 0.363642 1.0 1.0 1
that/W 0.355203 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
the/D 0.337504 0.316955 35.0 34.0 53
this/D NaN 0.833646 NaN 1.0 1
to/T 0.132060 NaN 1.0 NaN 2
very/R 0.825207 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
what/W 0.132060 0.140499 1.0 1.0 2
which/W NaN 0.497174 NaN 1.0 1
without/I 0.488735 NaN 1.0 NaN 1
year/N -0.273405 -0.264967 1.0 1.0 3

4.3 Implement weighting on selection

This step is performed on all the matrices created up to this moment. A useful thing to do first is to combine all the first-order register information we have from the different kinds of models.

registers = loadFocRegisters(f"{output_path}/registers/", type_name)
bound foc_base foc_pos foc_win LEMMAREL LEMMAPATH
child.bound3-3all True BOW all 3-3 NaN NaN
child.bound3-3nounverbs True BOW nounverbs 3-3 NaN NaN
child.bound5-3all True BOW all 5-3 NaN NaN
child.bound5-3nounverbs True BOW nounverbs 5-3 NaN NaN
child.bound5-5all True BOW all 5-5 NaN NaN
child.bound5-5nounverbs True BOW nounverbs 5-5 NaN NaN
child.nobound3-3all False BOW all 3-3 NaN NaN
child.nobound3-3nounverbs False BOW nounverbs 3-3 NaN NaN
child.nobound5-3all False BOW all 5-3 NaN NaN
child.nobound5-3nounverbs False BOW nounverbs 5-3 NaN NaN
child.nobound5-5all False BOW all 5-5 NaN NaN
child.nobound5-5nounverbs False BOW nounverbs 5-5 NaN NaN

Once we have the registers, we can also set the values for our PPMI setting with the weighting dictionary. A value None indicates that no weighting is applied, while matrices as values (a boolean version for selection instead of weighting, for example) are used to weight the tokens.

from semasioFlow.utils import booleanize
weighting = {
    "no" : None, # no weighting
    "selection" : booleanize(ppmi, include_negative=False), # select with ppmi
    "weight" : ppmi # weight with ppmi
token_dir = f"{output_path}/tokens/{type_name}"
weight_data = weightTokens(token_dir, weighting, registers)

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
# new model register
# weight_data["model_register"].to_csv(f"{output_path}/registers/{type_name}.focmodels.tsv", sep = '\t',
# index_label = "_model")
LEMMAPATH LEMMAREL bound foc_base foc_context_words foc_pmi foc_pos foc_win tokens
child.LEMMAPATH.PPMIselection LEMMAPATH NaN NaN LEMMAPATH 20 selection NaN NaN 40
child.LEMMAREL.PPMIselection NaN LEMMAREL NaN LEMMAREL 10 selection NaN NaN 26
child.LEMMAREL.PPMIweight NaN LEMMAREL NaN LEMMAREL 10 weight NaN NaN 26
child.bound3-3all.PPMIno NaN NaN True BOW 19 no all 3-3 40
child.bound3-3all.PPMIselection NaN NaN True BOW 14 selection all 3-3 40
child.bound3-3all.PPMIweight NaN NaN True BOW 14 weight all 3-3 40
child.bound3-3nounverbs.PPMIno NaN NaN True BOW 16 no nounverbs 3-3 40
child.bound3-3nounverbs.PPMIselection NaN NaN True BOW 12 selection nounverbs 3-3 34
child.bound3-3nounverbs.PPMIweight NaN NaN True BOW 12 weight nounverbs 3-3 34
child.bound5-3all.PPMIno NaN NaN True BOW 19 no all 5-3 40
child.bound5-3all.PPMIselection NaN NaN True BOW 14 selection all 5-3 40
child.bound5-3all.PPMIweight NaN NaN True BOW 14 weight all 5-3 40
child.bound5-3nounverbs.PPMIno NaN NaN True BOW 16 no nounverbs 5-3 40
child.bound5-3nounverbs.PPMIselection NaN NaN True BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-3 35
child.bound5-3nounverbs.PPMIweight NaN NaN True BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-3 35
child.bound5-5all.PPMIno NaN NaN True BOW 20 no all 5-5 40
child.bound5-5all.PPMIselection NaN NaN True BOW 14 selection all 5-5 40
child.bound5-5all.PPMIweight NaN NaN True BOW 14 weight all 5-5 40
child.bound5-5nounverbs.PPMIno NaN NaN True BOW 17 no nounverbs 5-5 40
child.bound5-5nounverbs.PPMIselection NaN NaN True BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-5 35
child.bound5-5nounverbs.PPMIweight NaN NaN True BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-5 35
child.nobound3-3all.PPMIno NaN NaN False BOW 19 no all 3-3 40
child.nobound3-3all.PPMIselection NaN NaN False BOW 14 selection all 3-3 40
child.nobound3-3all.PPMIweight NaN NaN False BOW 14 weight all 3-3 40
child.nobound3-3nounverbs.PPMIno NaN NaN False BOW 16 no nounverbs 3-3 40
child.nobound3-3nounverbs.PPMIselection NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 3-3 35
child.nobound3-3nounverbs.PPMIweight NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 3-3 35
child.nobound5-3all.PPMIno NaN NaN False BOW 19 no all 5-3 40
child.nobound5-3all.PPMIselection NaN NaN False BOW 14 selection all 5-3 40
child.nobound5-3all.PPMIweight NaN NaN False BOW 14 weight all 5-3 40
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIno NaN NaN False BOW 16 no nounverbs 5-3 40
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIselection NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-3 36
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIweight NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-3 36
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIno NaN NaN False BOW 20 no all 5-5 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIselection NaN NaN False BOW 14 selection all 5-5 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIweight NaN NaN False BOW 14 weight all 5-5 40
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIno NaN NaN False BOW 17 no nounverbs 5-5 40
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIselection NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-5 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIweight NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-5 36
# token_level register
_count.child.LEMMAPATH.PPMIno _count.child.LEMMAPATH.PPMIselection _count.child.LEMMAPATH.PPMIweight _count.child.LEMMAREL.PPMIno _count.child.LEMMAREL.PPMIselection _count.child.LEMMAREL.PPMIweight _count.child.bound3-3all.PPMIno _count.child.bound3-3all.PPMIselection _count.child.bound3-3all.PPMIweight _count.child.bound3-3nounverbs.PPMIno ... _cws.child.nobound5-3all.PPMIweight _cws.child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIno _cws.child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIselection _cws.child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIweight _cws.child.nobound5-5all.PPMIno _cws.child.nobound5-5all.PPMIselection _cws.child.nobound5-5all.PPMIweight _cws.child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIno _cws.child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIselection _cws.child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIweight
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 3 3 1 ... look/V;at/I;the/D girl/N;look/V look/V look/V at/I;girl/N;healthy/J;look/V;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D girl/N;look/V look/V look/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 1 1 2 ... the/D;be/V be/V;eat/V;like/V;year/N like/V;be/V like/V;be/V an/D;apple/N;be/V;eat/V;tasty/J;the/D;year/N an/D;the/D;be/V an/D;the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;eat/V;like/V;year/N like/V;be/V like/V;be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.2/12 2 1 1 1.0 NaN NaN 3 1 1 1 ... by/I;the/D boy/N;eat/V NaN NaN apple/N;boy/N;by/I;eat/V;food/N;healthy/J;the/D by/I;the/D by/I;the/D apple/N;boy/N;eat/V;food/N NaN NaN
boy/N/StanfDepSents.2/8 2 2 2 NaN NaN NaN 3 2 2 1 ... by/I;the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;boy/N;eat/V be/V be/V apple/N;be/V;boy/N;by/I;eat/V;healthy/J;the/D by/I;the/D;be/V by/I;the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;boy/N;eat/V be/V be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.3/18 4 2 2 1.0 NaN NaN 3 2 2 1 ... and/C;the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;eat/V;girl/N;have/V have/V;be/V have/V;be/V a/D;and/C;apple/N;be/V;eat/V;girl/N;the/D and/C;the/D;be/V and/C;the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;eat/V;girl/N;have/V have/V;be/V have/V;be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.3/3 2 1 1 1.0 NaN NaN 3 2 2 1 ... an/D;the/D eat/V NaN NaN an/D;apple/N;eat/V;the/D an/D;the/D an/D;the/D apple/N;eat/V NaN NaN
boy/N/StanfDepSents.4/22 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 2 2 3 ... give/V;the/D apple/N;baby/N;give/V;have/V baby/N;give/V;have/V baby/N;give/V;have/V apple/N;give/V;the/D give/V;the/D give/V;the/D apple/N;baby/N;give/V;have/V baby/N;give/V;have/V baby/N;give/V;have/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.4/3 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1 1 1 ... the/D say/V say/V say/V girl/N;the/D the/D the/D girl/N;say/V say/V say/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.5/11 2 1 1 1.0 NaN NaN 4 2 2 2 ... look/V;and/C;the/D eat/V;look/V;sit/V look/V look/V and/C;eat/V;look/V;sit/V;tasty/J;the/D look/V;and/C;the/D look/V;and/C;the/D eat/V;look/V;sit/V look/V look/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.5/25 2 2 2 NaN NaN NaN 3 3 3 1 ... by/I;give/V;the/D;be/V be/V;eat/V;give/V give/V;be/V give/V;be/V be/V;by/I;eat/V;give/V;the/D by/I;give/V;the/D;be/V by/I;give/V;the/D;be/V be/V;eat/V;give/V give/V;be/V give/V;be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.5/3 2 1 1 1.0 NaN NaN 4 2 2 2 ... and/C;the/D eat/V;sit/V NaN NaN and/C;eat/V;sit/V;the/D and/C;the/D and/C;the/D eat/V;sit/V NaN NaN
boy/N/StanfDepSents.6/14 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 2 2 1 ... the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V be/V be/V a/D;apple/N;be/V;girl/N;healthy/J;tasty/J;the/D the/D;be/V the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;girl/N be/V be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.6/3 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 2 2 2 ... give/V;the/D girl/N;give/V give/V give/V a/D;girl/N;give/V;tasty/J;the/D give/V;the/D give/V;the/D girl/N;give/V give/V give/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.7/14 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 2 2 2 ... the/D;be/V apple/N;baby/N;be/V;girl/N;year/N baby/N;be/V baby/N;be/V a/D;apple/N;be/V;girl/N;old/J;the/D;year/N old/J;the/D;be/V old/J;the/D;be/V apple/N;baby/N;be/V;girl/N;year/N baby/N;be/V baby/N;be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.7/22 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 1 1 2 ... old/J;the/D;be/V ask/V;be/V;girl/N;year/N ask/V;be/V ask/V;be/V be/V;eat/V;girl/N;old/J;the/D;year/N old/J;the/D;be/V old/J;the/D;be/V ask/V;be/V;eat/V;girl/N;year/N ask/V;be/V ask/V;be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.7/4 3 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 4 3 3 2 ... old/J;give/V;the/D girl/N;give/V give/V give/V a/D;girl/N;give/V;old/J;the/D old/J;give/V;the/D old/J;give/V;the/D baby/N;girl/N;give/V baby/N;give/V baby/N;give/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.8/11 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 3 3 1 ... look/V;at/I;the/D apple/N;look/V;sit/V look/V look/V apple/N;at/I;girl/N;look/V;sit/V;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D apple/N;girl/N;look/V;sit/V look/V look/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.8/22 5 3 3 1.0 NaN NaN 3 2 2 1 ... and/C;the/D apple/N;girl/N NaN NaN and/C;apple/N;eat/V;girl/N;the/D and/C;the/D and/C;the/D apple/N;eat/V;girl/N NaN NaN
boy/N/StanfDepSents.9/18 3 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 4 3 3 2 ... look/V;old/J;at/I;the/D girl/N;house/N;look/V look/V;house/N look/V;house/N a/D;apple/N;at/I;be/V;girl/N;look/V;old/J;the/D look/V;old/J;at/I;the/D;be/V look/V;old/J;at/I;the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;girl/N;house/N;look/V look/V;house/N;be/V look/V;house/N;be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.9/28 1 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 1 1 1 ... be/V apple/N;be/V;house/N house/N;be/V house/N;be/V apple/N;be/V;healthy/J be/V be/V apple/N;be/V;house/N house/N;be/V house/N;be/V
boy/N/StanfDepSents.9/5 4 4 4 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 5 5 2 ... old/J;give/V;an/D;the/D;be/V be/V;give/V give/V;be/V give/V;be/V an/D;apple/N;be/V;give/V;old/J;the/D old/J;give/V;an/D;the/D;be/V old/J;give/V;an/D;the/D;be/V apple/N;be/V;give/V give/V;be/V give/V;be/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.1/13 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 4 4 4 2 ... eat/V;look/V;at/I;the/D boy/N;eat/V;look/V eat/V;look/V eat/V;look/V at/I;boy/N;eat/V;girl/N;look/V;the/D eat/V;look/V;at/I;the/D eat/V;look/V;at/I;the/D boy/N;eat/V;girl/N;look/V eat/V;look/V eat/V;look/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.1/20 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 3 3 1 ... eat/V;healthy/J;the/D eat/V;girl/N eat/V eat/V eat/V;food/N;girl/N;healthy/J;the/D eat/V;healthy/J;the/D eat/V;healthy/J;the/D eat/V;food/N;girl/N eat/V eat/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.1/3 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 3 3 1 ... look/V;healthy/J;the/D look/V look/V look/V boy/N;healthy/J;look/V;the/D look/V;healthy/J;the/D look/V;healthy/J;the/D boy/N;look/V look/V look/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.11/19 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 2 2 2 ... eat/V;give/V;the/D apple/N;eat/V;give/V eat/V;give/V eat/V;give/V ,/,;apple/N;eat/V;give/V;the/D;year/N eat/V;,/,;give/V;the/D eat/V;,/,;give/V;the/D apple/N;eat/V;give/V;year/N eat/V;give/V eat/V;give/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.11/28 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 6 5 5 2 ... a/D;look/V;,/,;at/I;the/D look/V;year/N look/V look/V ,/,;a/D;at/I;boy/N;look/V;the/D;year/N a/D;look/V;,/,;at/I;the/D a/D;look/V;,/,;at/I;the/D boy/N;look/V;year/N look/V look/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.11/3 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 3 3 1 ... look/V;at/I;the/D look/V look/V look/V at/I;boy/N;look/V;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D boy/N;look/V look/V look/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.2/29 2 1 1 NaN NaN NaN 3 2 2 1 ... eat/V;,/,;the/D be/V;eat/V eat/V eat/V ,/,;be/V;by/I;eat/V;the/D eat/V;,/,;the/D eat/V;,/,;the/D be/V;eat/V eat/V eat/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.3/21 2 1 1 NaN NaN NaN 6 4 4 2 ... eat/V;a/D;healthy/J;the/D boy/N;eat/V eat/V eat/V a/D;and/C;boy/N;eat/V;healthy/J;tasty/J;the/D eat/V;a/D;healthy/J;the/D eat/V;a/D;healthy/J;the/D boy/N;eat/V eat/V eat/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.4/15 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 2 2 2 ... eat/V;the/D apple/N;eat/V eat/V eat/V apple/N;eat/V;the/D eat/V;the/D eat/V;the/D apple/N;eat/V eat/V eat/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.4/7 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 2 2 2 ... eat/V;the/D boy/N;eat/V;say/V eat/V;say/V eat/V;say/V apple/N;boy/N;eat/V;the/D eat/V;the/D eat/V;the/D apple/N;boy/N;eat/V;say/V eat/V;say/V eat/V;say/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.5/19 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 4 3 3 3 ... eat/V;look/V;give/V;the/D be/V;eat/V;give/V;look/V eat/V;look/V;give/V eat/V;look/V;give/V be/V;by/I;eat/V;give/V;look/V;tasty/J;the/D eat/V;look/V;give/V;the/D eat/V;look/V;give/V;the/D be/V;eat/V;give/V;look/V eat/V;look/V;give/V eat/V;look/V;give/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.6/21 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 2 2 2 ... eat/V;healthy/J;the/D be/V;boy/N;do/V;eat/V eat/V;do/V eat/V;do/V be/V;boy/N;eat/V;healthy/J;the/D eat/V;healthy/J;the/D eat/V;healthy/J;the/D be/V;boy/N;do/V;eat/V eat/V;do/V eat/V;do/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.6/6 2 2 2 NaN NaN NaN 6 4 4 2 ... a/D;healthy/J;give/V;the/D boy/N;give/V give/V give/V a/D;apple/N;boy/N;give/V;healthy/J;tasty/J;the/D a/D;healthy/J;give/V;the/D a/D;healthy/J;give/V;the/D apple/N;boy/N;give/V give/V give/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.7/25 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 4 2 2 4 ... eat/V;old/J;the/D apple/N;ask/V;boy/N;eat/V eat/V;ask/V eat/V;ask/V apple/N;boy/N;eat/V;old/J;the/D eat/V;old/J;the/D eat/V;old/J;the/D apple/N;ask/V;boy/N;eat/V eat/V;ask/V eat/V;ask/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.7/7 2 2 2 NaN NaN NaN 5 3 3 4 ... a/D;old/J;give/V;the/D apple/N;baby/N;boy/N;give/V baby/N;give/V baby/N;give/V a/D;apple/N;boy/N;give/V;old/J;the/D a/D;old/J;give/V;the/D a/D;old/J;give/V;the/D apple/N;baby/N;boy/N;give/V baby/N;give/V baby/N;give/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.8/15 3 2 2 NaN NaN NaN 4 3 3 2 ... look/V;at/I;the/D apple/N;boy/N;look/V look/V look/V apple/N;at/I;boy/N;look/V;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D look/V;at/I;the/D apple/N;boy/N;look/V look/V look/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.8/25 2 1 1 NaN NaN NaN 5 2 2 3 ... eat/V;the/D apple/N;boy/N;eat/V eat/V eat/V and/C;apple/N;boy/N;eat/V;the/D eat/V;the/D eat/V;the/D apple/N;boy/N;eat/V eat/V eat/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.8/3 2 2 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 2 2 1 ... sit/V;the/D sit/V sit/V sit/V apple/N;sit/V;the/D sit/V;the/D sit/V;the/D apple/N;sit/V sit/V sit/V
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 3 3 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 5 5 5 1 ... a/D;look/V;old/J;at/I;give/V;the/D apple/N;give/V;look/V look/V;give/V look/V;give/V a/D;an/D;apple/N;at/I;boy/N;give/V;look/V;old/... a/D;look/V;old/J;at/I;give/V;the/D a/D;look/V;old/J;at/I;give/V;the/D apple/N;boy/N;give/V;look/V look/V;give/V look/V;give/V

40 rows × 84 columns

weight_data["token_register"].to_csv(f"{nephovis_path}/{type_name}/{type_name}.variables.tsv", sep = '\t', index_label = "_id")

5 Second-order dimensions

The final step to obtain our token-level vectors is to multiply the token-foc matrices for type-level matrices to obtain second-order vectors. We will loop over the models in the index of weight_data["model_register"] and over second-order parameter settings to filter freqMTX_CW4 and obtain different models.

soc_pos = {
    "all" : full[full.freq > 2], # all possible dimensions
    "nv" : full.subvocab(nounverbs) # only nouns and verbs
lengths = ["FOC", 10] # a number will take the most frequent; something else will take the FOC items
socdata = createSoc(
    registers = weight_data['model_register'],
    soc_pos = soc_pos, lengths = lengths,
    socMTX = freqMTX_CW4,
    store_focdists = f"{output_path}/cws/{type_name}/") # create distance matrices for context words

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01494 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0008421 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01419 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003443 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01451 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004005 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.014 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004139 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01402 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003409 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.014 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002725 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01372 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002735 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01429 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002871 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01382 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002756 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01377 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01377 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002804 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01362 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002763 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01349 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003459 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01366 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002432 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01372 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002666 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01385 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002439 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01328 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002365 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01374 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01487 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002985 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01528 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003293 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01517 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003436 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01514 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002854 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01388 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002503 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01415 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002589 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01429 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000283 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01443 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003333 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01382 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003645 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01481 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002685 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01405 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003028 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01438 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002913 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01409 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002704 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01399 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002589 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01425 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002675 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01404 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000258 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01399 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002482 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01388 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002568 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01426 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000283 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01403 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002627 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01392 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002763 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01417 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002916 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01368 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000257 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01387 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.014 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002863 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01423 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002837 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01434 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002458 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01424 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002489 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01385 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002589 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01384 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002451 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01454 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003071 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01403 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002849 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01367 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003464 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01426 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002737 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0137 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000258 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01385 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002732 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01382 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000246 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01357 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003359 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01416 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003211 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01374 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002675 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01368 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002589 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01378 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002677 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01362 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002778 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01353 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000258 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01357 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002711 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01983 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000638 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01583 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003812 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01385 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003104 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01468 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000411 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01454 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000387 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01374 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003073 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01406 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003247 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01387 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003138 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01459 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004056 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01444 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004435 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01461 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003569 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0146 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000308 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01454 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004134 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01414 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004332 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01466 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004258 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01373 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002682 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01411 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003271 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0144 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003004 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01419 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003037 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01431 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003641 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01439 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003188 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0138 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003436 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01398 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003068 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01425 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004435 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0144 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01367 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002458 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01429 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002596 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01485 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003014 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01444 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004439 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01398 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002608 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01418 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003374 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01365 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002751 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01426 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004215 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01462 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004749 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01443 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004103 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01442 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004051 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0143 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004137 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01425 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003734 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01414 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002923 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01423 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003095 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01545 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003495 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01467 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003078 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01434 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002689 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01395 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01402 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000303 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01434 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000375 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01461 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004246 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01445 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002921 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01458 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004594 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01388 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004416 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01403 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003662 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01423 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01393 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004101 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01416 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003831 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01404 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002923 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.014 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004227 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01378 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003235 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0143 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004218 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01434 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002985 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01432 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003104 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01442 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004361 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01416 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003979 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01404 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003238 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01421 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003929 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01392 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002837 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01412 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003159 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01493 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000376 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01404 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002992 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01402 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004101 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01387 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003057 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01414 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003326 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01418 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003924 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01406 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003374 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01412 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003881 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0144 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004048 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01393 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003459 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01434 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004034 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01401 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003109 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01417 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004241 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01467 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003197 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01419 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003269 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01458 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003638 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0142 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003717 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01439 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004082 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01418 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004315 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.0145 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003211 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01464 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01444 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003829 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01479 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003049 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01469 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003016 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01407 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003226 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.014 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002759 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01441 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003214 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01397 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000319 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01487 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004451 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01487 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003221 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01476 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003107 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01405 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002704 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01443 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01378 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004559 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01434 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002866 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01368 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002737 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01433 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003326 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01373 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002837 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_association
  time      = 0.01407 sec

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003114 sec

  Operation: addition 'token-feature weight matrix' X 'socc matrix'...

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:
LEMMAPATH LEMMAREL bound foc_base foc_context_words foc_pmi foc_pos foc_win soc_length soc_pos tokens
child.LEMMAPATH.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall LEMMAPATH NaN NaN LEMMAPATH 20 selection NaN NaN 10 all 40
child.LEMMAPATH.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv LEMMAPATH NaN NaN LEMMAPATH 20 selection NaN NaN 10 nv 40
child.LEMMAREL.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN LEMMAREL NaN LEMMAREL 10 selection NaN NaN 10 all 26
child.LEMMAREL.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN LEMMAREL NaN LEMMAREL 10 selection NaN NaN 10 nv 26
child.LEMMAREL.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN LEMMAREL NaN LEMMAREL 10 weight NaN NaN 10 all 26
child.LEMMAREL.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN LEMMAREL NaN LEMMAREL 10 weight NaN NaN 10 nv 26
child.bound3-3all.PPMIno.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN True BOW 19 no all 3-3 10 all 40
child.bound3-3all.PPMIno.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN True BOW 19 no all 3-3 10 nv 40
child.bound3-3all.PPMIno.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN True BOW 19 no all 3-3 FOC all 40
child.bound3-3all.PPMIno.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN True BOW 19 no all 3-3 FOC nv 40
child.bound3-3all.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN True BOW 14 selection all 3-3 10 all 40
child.bound3-3all.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN True BOW 14 selection all 3-3 10 nv 40
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIselection.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-3 FOC all 36
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIselection.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-3 FOC nv 36
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-3 10 all 36
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-3 10 nv 36
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-3 FOC all 36
child.nobound5-3nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-3 FOC nv 36
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIno.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 20 no all 5-5 10 all 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIno.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 20 no all 5-5 10 nv 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIno.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 20 no all 5-5 FOC all 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIno.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 20 no all 5-5 FOC nv 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 14 selection all 5-5 10 all 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 14 selection all 5-5 10 nv 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIselection.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 14 selection all 5-5 FOC all 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIselection.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 14 selection all 5-5 FOC nv 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 14 weight all 5-5 10 all 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 14 weight all 5-5 10 nv 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIweight.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 14 weight all 5-5 FOC all 40
child.nobound5-5all.PPMIweight.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 14 weight all 5-5 FOC nv 40
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIno.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 17 no nounverbs 5-5 10 all 40
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIno.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 17 no nounverbs 5-5 10 nv 40
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIno.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 17 no nounverbs 5-5 FOC all 40
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIno.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 17 no nounverbs 5-5 FOC nv 40
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-5 10 all 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIselection.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-5 10 nv 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIselection.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-5 FOC all 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIselection.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 12 selection nounverbs 5-5 FOC nv 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-5 10 all 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTH10.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-5 10 nv 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSall NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-5 FOC all 36
child.nobound5-5nounverbs.PPMIweight.LENGTHFOC.SOCPOSnv NaN NaN False BOW 12 weight nounverbs 5-5 FOC nv 36

168 rows × 11 columns

socdata.to_csv(f"{nephovis_path}/{type_name}/{type_name}.models.tsv", sep = "\t", index_label="_model")

6 Cosine distances

Once we have all the token-level vectors, as well as our registers, we can quickly compute and store their cosine distances.

from nephosem import TypeTokenMatrix
from nephosem.specutils.mxcalc import compute_distance

input_suffix = ".tcmx.soc.pac" #token by context matrix
output_suffix = ".ttmx.dist.pac" # token by token matrix
for modelname in socdata.index:
    input_name = f"{token_dir}/{modelname}{input_suffix}"
    output_name = f"{token_dir}/{modelname}{output_suffix}"

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000612 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004447 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003285 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003374 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002944 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002861 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002871 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002854 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002887 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003104 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000298 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002873 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003633 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002754 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002789 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002759 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002666 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0004048 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002644 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002637 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002723 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002658 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002668 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000407 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000289 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002985 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002909 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000288 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002871 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003994 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000289 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002892 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002916 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002885 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002854 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002859 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002871 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002909 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002809 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002854 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002775 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002828 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002794 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002763 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002847 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002789 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002863 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000288 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000293 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002902 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002897 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000289 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002897 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002911 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002866 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002978 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003126 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003049 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002971 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002995 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002847 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002794 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002794 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002832 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002794 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000309 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002863 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002925 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000288 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000288 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002868 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002906 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002868 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000288 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002894 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002847 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003045 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003166 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002954 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003026 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002818 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002849 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002847 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002799 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000288 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002837 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002861 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002885 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002944 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002885 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002956 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002878 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002906 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002866 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002892 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000288 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002997 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002868 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002894 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002894 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002892 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002913 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002794 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002892 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000278 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002816 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002794 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002818 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002856 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002887 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002995 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003011 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002873 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002902 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002913 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002866 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002875 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002916 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0003128 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002894 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002928 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002892 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002882 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002823 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002811 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002811 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002842 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002804 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002818 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002804 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002816 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002861 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002849 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002909 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002873 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002861 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002875 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002887 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002856 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002885 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002856 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000289 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002851 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002875 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002875 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002832 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.000289 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002789 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002809 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002801 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002823 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002816 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002782 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002809 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

function    = compute_distance
  time      = 0.0002835 sec

Saving matrix...
Stored in file:

For the rest, we go to R!

The R code is in the processClouds notebook, which uses the semcloud package.

Bonus: context word detail

from semasioFlow.contextwords import listContextwords
cws = listContextwords(type_name, tokenlist, fnameSample, settings, left_win=15, right_win = 15)
100%|██████████| 11/11 [00:00<00:00, 417.83it/s]
cw deprel distance head id lemma path pos position rep_path same_sentence side steps target_lemma token_id word
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L0 the/D det 1 2 1 the #T->det:the D L0 #T->det:Cw True L 1 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 The
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L1 NaN <s id="2"> 2 <s id="2"> <s id="2"> <s id="2"> NaN <s id="2"> L1 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 <s id="2">
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L2 NaN </s> 3 </s> </s> </s> NaN </s> L2 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 </s>
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L3 healthy/J acomp 4 3 4 healthy NaN J L3 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 healthy
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L4 look/V ROOT 5 0 3 look NaN V L4 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 looks
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L5 girl/N nsubj 6 3 2 girl NaN N L5 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 girl
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L6 the/D det 7 2 1 the NaN D L6 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 The
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/L7 NaN <s id="1"> 8 <s id="1"> <s id="1"> <s id="1"> NaN <s id="1"> L7 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 <s id="1">
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R0 look/V ROOT 1 0 3 look look->nsubj:#T V R0 Cw->nsubj:#T True R 1 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 looks
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R1 at/I prep 2 3 4 at look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at] I R1 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:Cw] True R 2 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 at
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R10 girl/N nsubj 11 3 2 girl NaN N R10 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 girl
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R11 eat/V ROOT 12 0 3 eat NaN V R11 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 eats
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R12 less/R advmod 13 5 4 less NaN R R12 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 less
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R13 healthy/J amod 14 6 5 healthy NaN J R13 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 healthy
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R14 food/N dobj 15 3 6 food NaN N R14 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 food
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R2 the/D det 3 6 5 the look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:girl->det:the] D R2 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:girl->det:Cw] True R 4 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 the
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R3 girl/N pobj 4 4 6 girl look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:girl] N R3 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:Cw] True R 3 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 girl
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R4 as/I mark 5 9 7 as look->[nsubj:#T,advcl:eat->mark:as] I R4 look->[nsubj:#T,advcl:eat->mark:Cw] True R 3 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 as
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R5 she/P nsubj 6 9 8 she look->[nsubj:#T,advcl:eat->nsubj:she] P R5 look->[nsubj:#T,advcl:eat->nsubj:Cw] True R 3 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 she
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R6 eat/V advcl 7 3 9 eat look->[nsubj:#T,advcl:eat] V R6 look->[nsubj:#T,advcl:Cw] True R 2 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 eats
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R7 NaN </s> 8 </s> </s> </s> NaN </s> R7 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 </s>
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R8 NaN <s id="3"> 9 <s id="3"> <s id="3"> <s id="3"> NaN <s id="3"> R8 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 <s id="3">
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/R9 the/D det 10 2 1 the NaN D R9 NaN False R NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 The
boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9/target boy/N nsubj 0 3 2 boy #T N target #T True target 0 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.1/9 boy
boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12/L0 the/D det 1 2 1 the #T->det:the D L0 #T->det:Cw True L 1 child boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12 The
boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12/L1 NaN <s id="35"> 2 <s id="35"> <s id="35"> <s id="35"> NaN <s id="35"> L1 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12 <s id="35">
boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12/L10 NaN <s id="34"> 11 <s id="34"> <s id="34"> <s id="34"> NaN <s id="34"> L10 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12 <s id="34">
boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12/L2 NaN </s> 3 </s> </s> </s> NaN </s> L2 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12 </s>
boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12/L3 tasty/J acomp 4 6 7 tasty NaN J L3 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12 tasty
boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12/L4 be/V ROOT 5 0 6 be NaN V L4 NaN False L NaN child boy/N/StanfDepSents.12/12 are
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
girl/N/StanfDepSents.8/3/target girl/N nsubj 0 3 2 girl #T N target #T True target 0 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.8/3 girl
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L0 old/J amod 1 3 2 old #T->amod:old J L0 #T->amod:Cw True L 1 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 older
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L1 the/D det 2 3 1 the #T->det:the D L1 #T->det:Cw True L 1 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 The
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L10 the/D det 11 4 2 the NaN D L10 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 the
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L11 all/P predet 12 4 1 all NaN P L11 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 All
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L12 NaN <s id="25"> 13 <s id="25"> <s id="25"> <s id="25"> NaN <s id="25"> L12 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 <s id="25">
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L2 NaN <s id="26"> 3 <s id="26"> <s id="26"> <s id="26"> NaN <s id="26"> L2 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 <s id="26">
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L3 NaN </s> 4 </s> </s> </s> NaN </s> L3 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 </s>
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L4 apple/N dobj 5 6 8 apple NaN N L4 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 apple
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L5 an/D det 6 8 7 an NaN D L5 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 an
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L6 give/V ROOT 7 0 6 give NaN V L6 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 given
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L7 be/V auxpass 8 6 5 be NaN V L7 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 were
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L8 boy/N nsubjpass 9 6 4 boy NaN N L8 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 boys
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/L9 old/J amod 10 4 3 old NaN J L9 NaN False L NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 old
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R0 look/V ROOT 1 0 4 look look->nsubj:#T V R0 Cw->nsubj:#T True R 1 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 looks
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R1 at/I prep 2 4 5 at look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at] I R1 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:Cw] True R 2 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 at
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R10 be/V ROOT 11 0 2 be NaN V R10 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 are
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R11 healthy/J acomp 12 2 3 healthy NaN J R11 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 healthy
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R12 for/I prep 13 3 4 for NaN I R12 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 for
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R13 boy/N pobj 14 4 5 boy NaN N R13 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 boys
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R14 NaN </s> 15 </s> </s> </s> NaN </s> R14 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 </s>
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R2 a/D det 3 7 6 a look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->det:a] D R2 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->det:Cw] True R 4 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 a
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R3 boy/N pobj 4 5 7 boy look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy] N R3 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:Cw] True R 3 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 boy
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R4 in/I prep 5 7 8 in look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->prep:in] I R4 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->prep:Cw] True R 4 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 in
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R5 the/D det 6 10 9 the look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->prep:in->po... D R5 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->prep:in->po... True R 6 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 the
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R6 house/N pobj 7 8 10 house look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->prep:in->po... N R6 look->[nsubj:#T,prep:at->pobj:boy->prep:in->po... True R 5 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 house
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R7 NaN </s> 8 </s> </s> </s> NaN </s> R7 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 </s>
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R8 NaN <s id="27"> 9 <s id="27"> <s id="27"> <s id="27"> NaN <s id="27"> R8 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 <s id="27">
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/R9 apple/N nsubj 10 2 1 apple NaN N R9 NaN False R NaN child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 Apples
girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14/target girl/N nsubj 0 4 3 girl #T N target #T True target 0 child girl/N/StanfDepSents.9/14 girl

917 rows × 16 columns

cw_fname = f"{nephovis_path}/{type_name}/{type_name}.cws.detail.tsv"
cws.to_csv(cw_fname, sep = "\t", index_label = "cw_id")

From this table, it is relatively straightforward to extract concordances and highlight the context words that match certain filters. Note that by default the left contexts are in reverse order.